Predictive Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment in Coastal Regions


  • Deepanshi Aggarwal UG Student , Department of CST, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology, Delhi


Environmental risk assessment, coastal regions, predictive analysis, machine learning, environmental management, risk modeling, real-time data


Coastal regions are especially vulnerable to environmental risks due to factors such as rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions, and human activities. Assessing these risks in real-time requires an integration of predictive analyt-ics and advanced models that consider both environmental and anthropogenic variables. This paper presents a comprehensive predictive analysis framework designed for environmental risk assessment in coastal regions. The proposed framework leverages real-time data collected from various sources, including meteorological stations and oceanographic sensors, to model potential haz-ards and assess the likelihood of risk events. The predictive analysis frame-work consists of two models: one based on traditional statistical techniques and another utilizing machine learning approaches. These models are com-pared in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and computational performance. The methodology incorporates real-time sensor data and historical records to sim-ulate potential risk scenarios and evaluate their impact on coastal infrastruc-ture and ecosystems. A comparative analysis is performed on multiple da-tasets to validate the performance of the two models, providing insights into which model performs better under varying environmental conditions. The results indicate that machine learning-based models outperform traditional statistical models in terms of predictive accuracy and computational efficiency. This paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for environmental management and policy formulation in coastal regions. The results underscore the importance of integrating advanced predictive models with real-time data to mitigate environmental risks and ensure the sustainability of coastal areas


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How to Cite

Deepanshi Aggarwal. (2024). Predictive Analysis for Environmental Risk Assessment in Coastal Regions. International Journal on Computational Modelling Applications, 1(2), 35–49. Retrieved from



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