Early Detection and Classification of Biomedical Atherosclerosis using Feature Subset Selection with Optimal Deep Learning Model
Atherosclerosis, Medical Decision Support System, Deep Learning, Metaheuris-tics, BiLSTM, Feature selectionAbstract
Atherosclerosis is a pathological disorder that grows progressively over the years and might result in cardiac arrest, stroke, or a peripheral vascular ailment, based on the region of existence in the human arterial network. Earlier detection and classification of atherosclerosis becomes crucial in mitigating the severity of the disease and death rate. The recently developed artificial intelligence (AI) methods like machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models ensured their efficiency in the design of medical decision support sys-tems (MDSS). In this view, this paper presents an early detection and classifi-cation of atherosclerosis using feature subset selection with optimal deep learning (EDCA-FSSODL) model. The proposed EDCA-FSSODL technique targets to decrease the dimensionality of the features and diagnose atherosclerosis. The proposed EDCA-FSSODL technique derives a novel binary chaotic flower pollination algorithm (BCFPA) based feature selection to eliminate the curse of dimensionality problem. In addition, Manta ray Foraging Optimization (MRFO) with bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) method is implemented for classifying and recognizing atherosclerosis disease. Moreover, the utilization of MRFO method assists in the appropriate tuning of the hyperparameters of the BiLSTM technique and thus boosts the overall recognition performance. To portray the improved accomplishment of the EDCA-FSSODL technique, a sequence of simulations occurs by employing two standard datasets and validate the outputs using different measures. Overall relative research highlighted the supremacy of the EDCA-FSSODL technique over the other approaches
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