Enhancing Industrial Automation and Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring and Control Systems


  • Rohit Sharma ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, UP, India


Industrial automation, safety systems, real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, sensor fusion, process control


Industrial automation has revolutionized the efficiency and safety of manufacturing and processing industries. This paper explores the development of a real-time monitoring and control system aimed at enhancing industrial automation andsafety by integrating advanced sensor networks, data analytics, and automated response protocols. The proposed system utilizes robust sensor fusion techniques to monitor operational parameters continuously, enabling predictive maintenance and immediate response to potential hazards. This paper discusses the system architecture, mathematical modeling of sensor data, and implementation strategies to ensure high reliability and minimal human intervention. Simulation results are presented to validate the system's effectiveness and comparative analysis is conducted between two model variations. The findings demonstrate significant improvement in both operational safety and process efficiency.


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How to Cite

Sharma, R. (2024). Enhancing Industrial Automation and Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring and Control Systems . International Journal on Smart & Sustainable Intelligent Computing, 1(2), 1–20. Retrieved from https://submissions.adroidjournals.com/index.php/ijssic/article/view/30



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